National High School Programming Contest 2020 - Mock Contest


The contest will start on 2020-06-24T04:00:00Z and will run for 3 hours.

Click here to learn more about this contest.

when username and password of Toph will given?


No username and password for mock contest.

Can you give the answer of the questions

Hello Sir/Madam . Could someone please point out the “Runtime Error” in the code for Problem C in Python 3.7:

a = input().split() 
n = int(a[0])
m = int(a[1])
nodes = {}
for x in range(1, n + 1):
    nodes[x] = []
for x in range(m):
	a = input().split()
	n1 = int(a[0])
	n2 = int(a[1])
queries = int(input())
def find(a, b):
	temp = 0
	if b != 1:
		for val in a:
			temp += find(nodes[val], b - 1)
		temp += len(a)
	return temp
todo = []
for x in range(1, queries + 1):
for x in range(1, queries + 1):
	print(f"Query {x}:")
	k = todo[x - 1]
	for y in range(1, n + 1):
		print(find(nodes[y], k) % 1000000007)

Thank you so much!