Konami Code

The Konami code is a sequence of key/button presses that is implemented in many video games to unloc…

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Any suggestion please, How do I solve this with pyton 3?

i tried it with python .but it gets cpu limit exceeded

Bhaiya,you can use regular expressions(re module).

pattern, please. Actually I do not understand what to do with this problem.

here’s how you can solve using python 3.

  1. take a substring of the same length as konami code, here 10
  2. declare an insatance counter variable, if that substring is konami code, add 1 to the instance count
  3. when you reac h the end of the input, print the instance count

It is easy for python 3. It just needs a line to be solved.
. Just take a string
. And count the ‘konami code’ from there uaing count method.
. Then print that.

thanks a lot. I was in misconfusion.

konami = str(input())
li = list(konami)
lenth = len(li)
for i in range(lenth):
    for j in range(i,m):
        con += li[j]
        if con=="UUDDLRLRBA":
    if m>=lenth:

what is the problem my code
test case 7 has run time eroor

JewelScientist list needs to be used here
only input_string.count(‘UUDDLRLRBA’)

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