Introducing Achievements

We know that there are 1739 people on the planet who do not like achievements.

For the rest, we are introducing Toph Achievements.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

You Polyglot will be a tough one to achieve.

@hjr265 I have one idea.

What if there was something like, which will show all the available achievements. And with each achievement, it’ll show the number of people who achieved it. Like a leaderboard.

Something similar to this?

And maybe it could show all the users with this achievement. ( sorted by the date of achieving it )

This way, someone can keep track of his growth.

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Thank you, @Nusab19. This is a great idea and worth looking into further.

I can’t promise an ETA at this moment. But I will work on this soon in sha Allah.

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Just a quick update: I have updated the achievements page to show how many programmers on Toph have unlocked each of the achievements.

I will work on the “leaderboard” aspect soon in sha Allah.

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