Read an integer variable and print it in which the digits are separated into groups of three by comm…
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My program is keep returning wrong answer in the last test(6). What should I do? Where is my problem? Here is My CODE(Java JDK 11.22)
import java.util.Scanner;
public class toph {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner s = new Scanner(;
int num = s.nextInt();
String str = "";
int i = 1;
if(num ==0 || num == 200000000){
if (0 <= num && num < 200000000) {
while (num != 0) {
str = num % 10 + "" + str;
num = num / 10;
if (i % 3 == 0 && num != 0) {
str = "," + str;
First of all, this part of the condition seems odd:
(strn[0] != ch)
Since this is how you initialized ch:
char ch = '0';
This condition is comparing strn[0] for the digit 0, not the null character.
Next, you are going from left to right to add comma. Although that is technically possible, I don’t see the math in your code required to do that. The use of x and count seems a bit convoluted.
Can you explain what your thought process was behind this code? May be I can then help you simplify that and as a result you will be able to write a simpler solution for this problem.
Sorry for the late reply.
First of all I wrote that char ch = ‘0’ and I was not expecting a null character(/0).I know my logic is a little unclear to the readers. But what I meant is, if the first character in the input is 0 then don’t add a comma after that(since I misleadingly thaught the commas go from left to right).I added the x as 0 and changed to 2 because I wanted it to ignore that if() fafte adding the first comma