Arya’s Counting

Little Arya has learnt to count the highest and the lowest number recently. She can easily find out …

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Why am I getting wrong answer in test case 2???
@touhidur @hjr265

for i in range(0, T):
    a, b, c=map(int, input().split())
    if a==b or b==c or a==c:
    elif(a>b) and (a>c):
    elif (b>a) and (b>c):
if a==b or b==c or a==c:

There are more cases of confusion than just this.
Read the problem statement carefully and try again.

why am i getting wrong answer ?


using namespace std ;

int main() {
int t ;
cin>> t ;

 for(int i= 1 ;i<=t ;i++) {
    int  max=0 ;
    int a[3] ;
    for(int i=0 ;i<3;i++) {
        cin>> a[i] ;
    int min = a[0] ;
    for(int i =0 ;i<3 ;i++) {
        if(max<a[i]) {max=a[i] ; }
        if(min>a[i]) min = a[i] ;

       if((max==a[0] && max==a[1] && max==a[2] )||( max==a[0] && max==a[1]) ||(max==a[1] && max==a[2]) || (max==a[0] && max==a[2]) )
      cout << "Case " << i <<": " <<"Confused" << endl ;
    else if((min==a[0] && min==a[1] && min==a[2] )||( min==a[0] && min==a[1]) ||(min==a[1] && min==a[2]) || (min==a[0] && min==a[2]) )
      cout << "Case " << i <<": " <<"Confused" << endl ;

    else if(max==a[0]) cout << "Case " << i <<": " <<"A" << endl ;
    else if(max==a[1])  cout << "Case " << i <<": " <<"B" << endl ;
    else if(max==a[2]) cout << "Case " << i <<": " <<"C" << endl ;


return 0 ;

using namespace std;
int main()
int n , i;
cin >> n;
int a , b , c ;

for( i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++)
    cin >> a >> b >> c;

    if( a > b & a > c)
        cout << "Case"<<" "<<i<<':'<<" "<<'A' <<endl ;
    if( b > a & b > c)
        cout << "Case"<<" "<<i<<':'<<" "<<'B' <<endl ;
    if( c > a & c > b)
        cout << "Case"<<" "<<i<<':'<<" "<<'C' <<endl ;
    if( b == a || b == c || a == c)
        cout << "Case"<<" "<<i<<':'<<" "<<"Confused" <<endl ;


whats problem in this code?