SCB-PA Inter School and College Programming Contest 2018 Preliminary

I can’t see our team handle on this list.

ami contest registration korsi. kinto ami contest sing up hoi nai keno.

I can not sign up.please help me … Handle: ACC_TopDown

I cant sign up , why? we registered and got confirmation call and messege from prothom alo too. PLease help

I can’t sign up…please help me

I can’t sign up…please we need a help…our Handle: Code_Warriors

We cannot sign up and we are running out of time

sign up করতে পেরেছেন …?? আমিন তো কন্টেস্ট করতে পারছি না

I can’t sing up!!

Can’t sign up… Team handle :RCSMegaCoders
Our team handle is not in the list provided. though we have registered successfully.

I can’t sign up either

Can’t sign up too. Team handle : Aarajukiannoobs

ভাই আমি ও কন্টেস্টে সাইন আপ করতে পারি নাই

I can not enter the contest… Please help me…

plz help me!!!

1 Like

I cannot enter either. help plz

I can not sign up. Though I have got the confirmation mail from and from the prothom alo. Please help me now.

we can not sign up
what should we do now?

plz help us
we are crying

time & tide waits for none
the contest in going also
we need help
please help us