5th CPU CSE Programming Contest


The contest will start on 2020-03-16T04:30:00Z and will run for 4 hours 30 minutes.

Click here to learn more about this contest.

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@hjr265, vai will the problem be available for practicing???

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@hjr265 will problem be available for practicing???

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@mdgaziur001 @Fazlerabbi Yes, I am waiting for the organizers to provide some details (namely tags and author handles) before adding these problems to the archive.

@hjr265 I provide the details of all problems. Now please add these problems for practice.

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@mdgaziur001 @Fazlerabbi @subhashis_cse Done

I also submitted the all tags and authors name of the contest Programming Contest-5 (CSE-ian of BD) -https://toph.co/c/wvamehnrzbjfl38d
Please check it

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Thanks for sending the details. I will review the problems soon (to avoid issues like Match The Substring - #2 by mdvirus) and see which ones we can add to the archive.